Diesel engines have been notorious for many years as hard-working, never-dying, fuel-efficient heaps of environment-killing metal. They're loud, they spout giant black clouds of smoke and foul the air with their stench. Right?
Not so much anymore.
Modern diesels, working with the EPA, are turning around this whole concept of “more power at more expense to the environment.” Since 2010, the diesel truck industry is becoming more an issue of “more power at higher cost” as diesel trucks are rolling out with more expensive engines. But what's the redeeming factor of the extra price? Greatly advanced emission control and filters that allow vehicles to run upwards to 400,000 miles before needing to go into maintenance to clean these systems. To top it all off, the advancements in diesel engines means less reliance on foreign oil.
The question today is: Just how far can we take these diesel advancements? 

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